How to Survive Quarantine Home Schooling
I don’t know how we did it ! I definitely didn’t think we could do it ! But we made it ! We survived this 2 month home schooling.
As the entire nation was on lockdown, the last place I would’ve ever imagined myself was as my 7 year olds teacher. I want to first and foremost applaud all of our teachers because I cannot imagine 20 Lia’s running around a classroom. So thank you!
What started off as only a few weeks off of school to get passed this ratchet corona virus turned into the rest of the school year. WAIT! WHATTT?! This would mean that I now had to be in charge of my children’s school work. If homework is a drag…you can imagine school work plus plus plus.
There was no choice…we were stuck.
I am going to give you my tips for how I survived….everyone’s children work differently. Including my own 2…I have a teenager on the brink of high school and a second grader who is about to embark on an entire new journey….maybe a new school. So my son, the teen…needed no guidance at all. He did it all on his own…his school work, homework, test, quizzes, projects and zoom meetings. Now…my daughter on the other hand…not so much. Every day was a drag for her. Having her sit in place while being home was hard, she didn’t understand this. She didn’t get it. She loves school and her teachers but being home is a whole new ballgame. So this is where the challenge came in…. she is amazing but this tested my patience.
So here are my tips:
- WINE…LOTS AND LOTS OF WINE….j/k..kind of. So at the end of most stressful days, I would treat myself to a glass of wine. Don’t like wine? Its ok, grab another drink of choice.
- Now…the real tips. Have your child complete all daily tasks that they are able to complete on their own. This way…you time yourself with all the things you need to do in the morning before planning to sit with them.
- Set an alarm for them! It’s enough we are home. They do not need to sleep all morning long. Treat this as a school day. For example, our alarm was set Monday – Thursday at 8:30 am. This would give her plenty of time to get ready and be prepared for her zoom classes.
- Focus on all of the graded work before going on to other things. If your child’s teacher let you know beforehand what was being graded, tackle that ! Scratch it off the list. This way all the other assignments can be like extracurricular.
- I found that doing all of the work between Monday – Thursday helped out tremendously !! This helped her have something to look forward to…like long weekends every week.
- I – Ready…. omggg this was dreadful! We divided this in the 4 days…so about 20 minutes each day helped ease her trauma with i-ready.
- When you feel like you can’t anymore…just walk away and take a breather. It is not the same to have your own child as a “student” so I know we all get to that point. The good thing…you are home so you can just stop everything and regroup!
I really hope that school returns in august. Kids need school, their routine, their teachers and friends. JUST IN CASE we don’t…use these tips. We are all in this together…don’t feel bad if you think you are not doing enough….take a few breaths and don’t be afraid to reach out to your child’s teacher for any help!!
Despues de 2 meses de ser la maestra de mis hijos…sobrevivimos lo que no pense posible. Aqui les dejo unos tips por si acaso en agosto, no regresamos