Linet Canela

Tips to “Me Time”

It shouldn’t come as a surprise to all of us that every day feels like it’s going faster than the other. We are built like machines. Wake up, run around, feed our souls with nothing but more things to do, work, come home, sleep and repeat the next day. We feel like we don’t have enough time to even scratch our noses much less take 5 minutes to attend to yourself. Some of us have families, kids, parents, dogs, cats, your own business, jobs, your home and all the things that come with it, to take care of every single day. Our daily responsibilities are taking over our lives. But let me be the one to remind you that we need to stop. Take a break and RESET !! All we need is 5 minutes to ourselves to treat yourself to whatever you want. For me, I love to shower and do my skincare. Ok, maybe I take more than 5 minutes because I enjoy my morning and evening skincare routines. But this is my ME time. Don’t let anything interrupt when you’re in the zone…

    First things first….if you don’t take care of yourself, NO ONE ELSE WILL ! And if you are not well then guess what? You can’t take care of anyone else. So here are my  5 tips that you can take advantage of and find your “me time.”

MY TOP WAY TO RELAX…pour a glass of wine. SIMPLE. When you come home from work, open up a bottle and pour a glass. Its just a nice way to unwind. My husband and I love to cheer to health and enjoy a glass together. We talk about our day and sip away! When you’re done, put a cork in it and leave it ready for tomorrow to do the same thing. Trust me, these 5 minutes are going to make a huge difference. For example,  as I am writing this paragraph alone, my daughter has asked me 12 questions. Having this wine gives me a little bit more patience. 

2. DO YOUR SKINCARE…another fave of mine. Nothing like coming out of the shower and applying all your creams and oils to your skin. Take your time, theres no rush. Close the door so no one even knows your done. If your feeling spiffy, light a candle. I am a firm believer that we only have one skin so we need to take care of it. ( I have a video on the top 5 skincare products that are a must). This is not only a great way to relax, because trust me the smells alone will do the trick, but to also keep up with your skin.

3. LISTEN TO MUSIC…when theres music playing, there’s really not much else you can listen to. Sometimes, if we play it loud enough, you may even be able to block out your own thoughts. I am not going to lie, since I started this new escapade of mine (my journey to becoming a blogger/influencer) my brain has been inundated with thoughts and ideas. My brain is constantly on . the go and spinning for new ideas: ways on how to create good content, look aesthetically pleasing to the eye and how I can grow. I think to myself that my brain hasn’t been this active since I was in college!! But, I get in the car, turn on my favorite radio stations, turn up the volume and before I know it, I am lost in my music!

4. GO SHOPPING…I don’t necessarily mean the mall. However that is my favorite place to shop. But shop anywhere. The mall, the grocery store, the drugstore, heck even the gas station. When you are out trying to buy something, you are focused on the things that you need (or want) and can forget your busy life for those treasured moments. If you’re home, and need to hit the reset button, just shout “going to the grocery store to buy some milk!” If your on a road trip and the car is feeling clustered, get off in the gas station and say ” anyone want something from inside?” Even if you don’t buy anything at all, the time spent window shopping is well worth your sanity! 

5. TAKE DEEP BREATHS…when all else fails, take a deep breath. Breathe in and breathe out a few times and slowly, you will feel your feet come back down to the ground. We live such busy lives that we don’t even realize the importance of taking a deep breath. Lock yourself in your room , the bathroom,  step outside, anywhere away from others so you can concentrate on taking your deep breaths. This is free and useful. So no excuses!

I know we think it’s impossible to actually focus on yourself for once, but it’s so important. We can easily lose ourselves in the hustle and bustle of our every day lives and maybe even forget our purpose. DON’T LET THAT BE YOU! Take your 5 minutes daily and reset yourself. Wherever or however that may be. 

I’d love to hear all of your ways to hit the reset button!